Kamal Hosen
Kamal Hosen
Geospatial Developer | Data Science | Python

Jan 06, 2023

Visualize NDVI in Microsoft Planetary Computer


What is Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)?


The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is quantify the vegetation by measuring the difference between near-infrared and red bands.


NDVI = (NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red)


NDVI value ranges between 1 to +1. The positive value tends to dense vegetation and negative value represents non-vegetation like water-bodies, snow etc.


In this tutorial, I will show you how to create an NDVI map from Landsat data in Microsoft Planetary Computer.


Step – 1: Environment setup

import pystac_client
import planetary_computer
import odc.stac
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pystac.extensions.eo import EOExtension as eo

Step – 2: Access to Planetary Computer Data

catalog = pystac_client.Client.open(

Step – 3: Choose an area and time of interest

bbox_of_interest = [89.419391,22.732522,89.671905,22.853430] # Bounding box of study 
time_of_interest = "2022-01-01/2022-12-31" # Define start and end date

Step – 4: Define search parameters

search = catalog.search(
    query={"eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": 1}},


Here, collections indicates the dataset, query to define cloud cover of image. The “lt” means less than. We set the cloud cover less than 1% means it will return the image collection where each image have less than 1% cloudy.


Step – 5: Identify the length of image collection

items = search.item_collection()
print(f"Returned {len(items)} Items")
Returned 25 Items
selected_item = items[5] # min(items, key=lambda item: eo.ext(item).cloud_cover)
    f"Choosing {selected_item.id} from {selected_item.datetime.date()}"
    + f" with {selected_item.properties['eo:cloud_cover']}% cloud cover"

We randomly select the image which index number is 5. The print options shows the image id, date of acquisition and its cloud cover.

Choosing LC09_L2SP_138044_20221114_02_T1 from 2022-11-14 with 0.05% cloud cover


Step – 6: Exploring image bands

max_key_length = len(max(selected_item.assets, key=len))
for key, asset in selected_item.assets.items():
    print(f"{key.rjust(max_key_length)}: {asset.title}")
              qa: Surface Temperature Quality Assessment Band
             ang: Angle Coefficients File
             red: Red Band
            blue: Blue Band
            drad: Downwelled Radiance Band
            emis: Emissivity Band
            emsd: Emissivity Standard Deviation Band
            trad: Thermal Radiance Band
            urad: Upwelled Radiance Band
           atran: Atmospheric Transmittance Band
           cdist: Cloud Distance Band
           green: Green Band
           nir08: Near Infrared Band 0.8
          lwir11: Surface Temperature Band
          swir16: Short-wave Infrared Band 1.6
          swir22: Short-wave Infrared Band 2.2
         coastal: Coastal/Aerosol Band
         mtl.txt: Product Metadata File (txt)
         mtl.xml: Product Metadata File (xml)
        mtl.json: Product Metadata File (json)
        qa_pixel: Pixel Quality Assessment Band
       qa_radsat: Radiometric Saturation and Terrain Occlusion Quality Assessment Band
      qa_aerosol: Aerosol Quality Assessment Band
        tilejson: TileJSON with default rendering
rendered_preview: Rendered preview


Step - 7: Band selection

bands_of_interest = ["nir08", "red", "green", "blue", "qa_pixel"]
data = odc.stac.stac_load(
    [selected_item], bands=bands_of_interest, bbox=bbox_of_interest

Step - 8: Plot and visualize the raw image

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) // Define plot size

data[["red", "green", "blue"]].to_array().plot.imshow(robust=True, ax=ax)
ax.set_title("Natural Color");



Step – 9: Calculate and visualize NDVI

red = data["red"].astype("float")
nir = data["nir08"].astype("float")
ndvi = (nir - red) / (nir + red)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
ndvi.plot.imshow(ax=ax, cmap="viridis")

GitHub Source Code Link - NDVI Planetary Computer

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About Author
  • Kamal Hosen
  • Kamal Hosen
    Geospatial Developer | Data Science | Python

    A passionate geospatial developer and analyst whose core interest is developing geospatial products/services to support the decision-making process in climate change and disaster risk reduction, spatial planning process, natural resources management, and land management sectors. I love learning and working with open source technologies like Python, Django, LeafletJS, PostGIS, GeoServer, and Google Earth Engine.